Meet NF Runner, Tim!

Author: NF Network, Tim Gross
Published On: 04/17/2024

Runner With Neurofibromatosis Is Spreading Hope for NF Awareness Month

May is Neurofibromatosis (NF) Awareness Month, and the NF community faces challenges in terms of healthcare equity, awareness, and quality of life. In honor of NF Awareness Month, we would like to introduce you to Timothy Gross.

Timothy Gross was born in 1956 with the NF-2 SWN genes and lost his hearing starting in 1997, finally becoming completely deaf in 2007. This change in his life forced him to enter the “Non-Hearing” world, which can be very isolating at times, even with family, friends, co-workers, and strangers. However, eight years ago, he started running and racing, which helped him improve his overall health and rejoin the world he had known for his first 40 years. Running is now a passion that he shares with his wife, Laura, as they race both local and destination races every weekend. The running community has been so supportive of him.

NF is a challenging disorder to severe depending on each individual affected, and to bring awareness and fundraise for neurofibromatosis, Tim will be heading up a 5K called the Ducky Dash on May 18. The Ducky Dash 5K is all about running (or walking) and supporting this underserved community! Join him on Saturday, May 18th, 2024, for an exciting "rubber ducky race-themed" event that features the gorgeous views of Herrick Lake in Wheaton, IL! Participants will have a chance to "adopt" their favorite "duck" AKA runner to win a prize! Come and cheer on your "duck"! Adopt multiple ducks to increase your odds. Whether your runner comes in first or not, you are still creating hope for people living with neurofibromatosis! All of the runner/walker duckies will score some awesome race/walk swag, including a Dick Pond gift card for free socks, a medal, Race T, and finish line treats! This race is sure to leave you feeling ducky! The Ducky Dash is timed and scored by Race Time. Check-in begins at 9 AM, and the race begins at 10 AM. Learn more and sign up for the Ducky Dash here.

Top: Tim pictured above in red and black racing singlet, Top Right: Tim with granddaughter, Maya  Above: Maya getting ready for the Ducky Dash

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