Kids these days! They are so... Philanthropic!

Author: Debbie Rinella, Pocono Mountain West High School
Published On: 12/23/2023

As the last days of fall fade away and we are welcomed by the glistening promise of the holidays, we can’t forget the cozy warm thoughts of the season passing us. The colorful leaves, the crisp air, the pumpkin spice… everything! While many high school students were busying themselves with football games and finding a date to the Homecoming dance, the students at Pocono Mountain West High School were prepping to memorialize a commendable classmate by raising funds for the Neurofibromatosis (NF) Network. Brianna Allison Rose Smith was an affable student who was diagnosed with NF shortly after birth. She was involved in student government, and music and very well-liked. Neil McGovern (PM West Biology Teacher and Student Council Advisor) said she always had a smile on her face and made it a point to swing by his classroom to wave. “She was one the nicest people… the nicest person in the entire building.”

She was so beloved in fact, that an excited crowd gathered to surprise her and cheer her on in 7th grade to send her off on a Make-A-Wish Foundation shopping spree excursion. Coincidently the school that raised funds for this wish was Pocono Mountain West. There might be a theme here! 

Being a benevolent student body, the class runs a collection every year for a designated charity during homecoming called 2 Cents Worth. The homecoming candidates place canisters in the cafeteria that they decorate and encourage their classmates to donate. Sadly, Brianna passed away on September 9, 2022. She was very much alive in spirit this year though as the school nominated the NF Network as their charity in memory of her. The tribute couldn’t be more fitting since she eagerly wanted to run for homecoming queen since she was in the 9th grade. Every year she would ask, “Will I be able to run for Homecoming Queen?” The answer was always a resounding yes! This would have been her senior year. 

The reigning Homecoming Queen this year is Regan Carlson. She knew Brianna from when they were in kindergarten together. She was honored to represent the NF Network and celebrate Brianna. She managed to get her friends to bring bags of coins… making the canisters almost too heavy to carry. While she did get points toward winning Homecoming Queen for every donation, she and the entire student council crew have points in our hearts.

I also spoke with the school events chairpersons Emily Gutierrez and Angelique Girard from the student council. These altruistic young ladies split the campaign and homecoming activities. They worked the donation tables, created games, made a dedicated table for Brianna, and had an overall amazing Homecoming experience. And an incredible job they did! Normally the school’s fundraisers raise $500-$1000. This year they brought in $1500! 

Not only did they learn Fundraising skills for a humanitarian cause, but they also educated themselves and their classmates about NF. While Angelique concentrated her efforts on running the tables and the overall Homecoming experience, Emily found information from brochures, and images of body sheets showing manifestations, answered questions, and created a QR code for students without change to donate to the network. “It was a good learning experience. I want to help people and feel passionate about this cause.” Both ladies agreed that people were moved by the gesture, and it even became a cathartic moment as one of Brianna’s best friends tearfully dropped coins into one of the canisters. 


In closing Emily said she felt like it’s a beautiful idea to keep Brianna’s memory with her and the school for every homecoming. To that, Neil added, “Brianna is with me every day.”

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