Stay iNFormed with the NF Network Webinar Series

Author: NF Network, Breanna Bronowski-Stutsman
Published On: 06/02/2020

With breaking news and updates happening in the world of NF every day, it is the mission of the NF Network to keep you iNFormed. Reaching out to experts in the medical community and beyond, we have put together a series of free educational webinars to bring NF news, tips, and resources to the NF community.

The Neurofibromatosis (NF) Network webinar series has covered a variety of topics, from pain management and techniques, to learning apps for your children. Hosted by professionals in their respective lines of work, these webinars provide information and answers to some of the NF community’s most pressing questions. Most recently, the NF Network hosted a webinar covering developmental strategies and important resources for working with your NF child while at home, presented by Pediatric Speech Language Pathologist and mom to a child with NF1, Rachel Sakofs.

Some of our other recent webinars include: “Chronic Pain and Illness,” presented by Dr. Rachel Zoffness, pain psychologist and Assistant Clinical Professor at UCSF; “Lifehack Your NF,” presented by Dr. Kaleb Yohay, Associate Professor of Neurology and Pediatrics and Director of the Comprehensive NF Center at NYU Langone Health; “Bullying vs. Teasing,” presented by Corrina Chang, bilingual Speech and Language Pathologist of her own speech and language intervention clinic called Kids First Speech and Language Intervention; “A Surgeon’s Approach to Schwannomas and Neurofibromas,” presented by Dr. Thomas Wilson, Co-Director of the Center for Peripheral Nerve Surgery at Stanford University.

These webinars are all recorded for future viewings and are housed on the NF Network website under “Resources.” All recordings offer closed captioning provided by YouTube. To check out and watch all of our webinar recordings, including the ones mentioned above, please click here.

Please stay tuned as we continue to host new webinars in the NF Network webinar series.


These webinars would not be possible without the generous support of our NF community. We appreciate you tuning in and staying iNFormed with the NF Network. To ensure our free webinar series can continue, please consider making a gift here.

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