CFC Opens Special Solicitation for COVID-19

Author: Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) and NF Network
Published On: 05/13/2020

Through the annual Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), members of the federal family demonstrate that their commitment to public service extends far beyond the workplace. Last year, federal employees and retirees generously contributed more than $83.8 M to thousands of causes in both funds and volunteer hours. Those dollars are already providing critical support to those affected by COVID-19.

For over 30 years, the NF Network has been a CFC-approved charity, participating in events across the country. Thanks to the generosity of participating federal employees, the NF Network has received donations through CFC since the inception of this organization.

During this uncertain time, officials from several federal departments and agencies inquired how they could do even more during the COVID-19 pandemic. Under existing CFC regulatory authority and in coordination with the White House COVID-19 Task Force, a special solicitation period will be in effect through Tuesday, June 30th. The CFC Special Solicitation allows the federal community to support CFC-approved charities as they face unprecedented challenges due to the impact of COVID-19.

If you or someone you know works at a federal agency – including the postal service or military – and would like information on participating, please visit the CFC website at Look for the Neurofibromatosis Network CFC number, #10227, on your Combined Federal Campaign forms or in the CFC Donor Pledging System!

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