Neurofibromatosis Network and NF Hope Concert Launch #MyHope4NF Campaign
Author: NF Network, Breanna Bronowski-Stutsman
Published On: 04/01/2020
Amid the ongoing concerns and breaking news around the world, we are living in a time where we are constantly bombarded with new fears and anxieties. As situations evolve and transform with each passing hour, it can be difficult to see through to the brighter side of things.
The NF Network and the NF Hope Concerts have decided to bring hope and a little light in these times of darkness. Turning the focus back to our NF community, we are asking you to reflect and think about your hope for NF. Whether you are inspired by your son or daughter, a close friend or family member, or even yourself, our goal is to remember the important work that has already been accomplished in the world of NF and imagine a future where we don’t have to worry about NF again.
Using the hashtag #MyHope4NF, we want to hear what YOUR hope for NF is. Write your hope for NF on a piece of paper or tell us in a video. After you’re done, share your creation on social media along with the hashtag #MyHope4NF, and tag the NF Network and the NF Hope Concert in your post. Invite your friends, family, and colleagues to join you and share their hope for NF!
Together we can continue to spread NF awareness and share a little light and hope in these times of uncertainty.
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