House Appropriations Bill Includes $20M for NF Research
Author: NF Network, Breanna Bronowski-Stutsman
Published On: 07/10/2020
Thanks to your advocacy efforts, we are pleased to announce that legislation passed by the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee includes $20 million for the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP-NFRP) for neurofibromatosis research, which is an increase of $5 million over last year’s funding level!
In February, 94 advocates (pictured above) of the NF Network Advocacy Program stormed Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., educating Congressional offices on the importance of federal funding for NF research. Advocates participating in this program have been the voice of the NF community on Capitol Hill for over 20 years, and have been instrumental in generating over $360 million dedicated to NF research. We came together as one voice for the NF community and advocated for this request, which included an increase of $5 million additional research dollars for NF.
The next step in the process will occur when the House Appropriations Committee considers the bill on Tuesday, July 14. While the bill will then have to pass in the House of Representatives, be considered by the Senate Appropriations Committee and the full Senate, and be signed by the President before it becomes law, we are one step closer to securing this increased funding for critical NF research! We will continue to update you as the legislation makes its way through Congress.
THANK YOU for your continued advocacy efforts and your support of the NF Network Advocacy Program. With your unwavering support, we are able to continue educating congressional offices on the importance of these federal research dollars for NF research and help accelerate the search for treatments and a cure to end neurofibromatosis.
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